Back again to bring you some more fresh updates on what's been going on. Lots of stuff going on with Iris CE and other things!
Spotted in the Wild!
Maybe you'll draw some inspiration from what you see in the following builds:
- Iris CE
- Things that have arrived and have passed checks: PCBs, switch plates, Poron, silicone feet
- Aluminum tray pieces - Arrived, currently halfway through QC process
- PC tray pieces - Translucent black arrived, Atomic purple in production, new frosted samples in progress
- Carrying case - Arrived in US, currently stuck at customs, ETA beginning of May (this is the main thing that will be arriving last)
- Updated ETA is 2nd or 3rd week of May

- Nyquist Rev. 5 - Still need to write firmware for it - this project hasn't really been a priority
- Chiri CE - Progress also on-hold while Iris CE is being worked on
- White of Black Cherry Ergo Keyset - 2nd set of samples came in, everything looks good except for one key, so fix will be done for that. Production run has now been paid for. This set needs a name though: Naming contest!

- Iris SE Case - QC at manufacturer in progress
- Iris KS - PCB design complete, initial alu tray designed

Side-by-side comparison of very early Iris KS case design next to Iris SE
- Afternoon Labs Breeze Kits - Currently revising PCB design to add battery support
- Uno V4 - Single-key Keyboard w/IR demodulator - New! Finally took some pics and posted the item up, will add more usage details later. Available with USB-A or USB-C.

- Flat Choc keycaps - Anyone remember those original keycaps that were the only Kailh Choc keycaps available for a while? If you need some cheap Choc keycaps, we've got them now

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