Now that Lunar New Year has passed, production of parts has continued and some packages have now come in or are on their way. So lots of exciting new stuff coming soon!
We also released the next piece in our interview series, this time with Don of The Board Podcast.
Spotted in the Wild!
Maybe you'll draw some inspiration from what you see in the following builds:
- I charted my WPM journey while transitioning boards - Reddit
- My DIY Keyboards (Also featuring the Levinson) - Reddit
- Love split keyboards! - Reddit
- Cepstrum left half PCB has been redesigned to use the tighter Choc spacing with hotswap and per-key RGB added, currently working on the right half redesign now
- Nyquist Rev. 4 left half PCB design is complete, prototypes to be ordered next week. Right half should be near completion
- Viterbi FR4 plates have been restocked, but this will be the final batch, as it has been discontinued
- New batch of Iris Stainless Steel plates has arrived, but we still need to inspect them and pack them into kits before putting them up for sale. The initial random sample of plates inspected looks good so far, so we're expecting a better yield of A-stock plates than before
- Iris acrylic plates in black and white are on their way
- Convolution acrylic cases have shipped and are expected to arrive next week
- Iris purple PCBs are back in stock
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